The frost is on the pumpkin here in Maine, or should I say on the Queen Anne's Lace. I have taken up morning walks and am enjoying the beauty of nature changing into her autumn clothing like never before.

The trees are alive with color. I walk by this lovely young maple daily and can't help but give her the onceover, she is just so pretty in her red dress...

The milkweed pods have dried and opened to release their angel winged seeds...

and the thistles have dried into myriad prickly sprigs.

I walk across a small bridge and see this babbling brook every day. Some days the water is high, some days it is low.
On Saturday mornings Kaylee is with us, so we put her in a stroller, wrapped her in my shawl to keep her warm and headed for the open road...

We walked her up a big hill to see the local dairy farm. I am proud I was able to push her up the hill!

As we come down the hill we can see the cow barn and a beautifully colored woods in the background. Kaylee waved to the cows.

She especially liked this one sitting near the road and chewing her cud.

Then we took her to see the horse who lives across the street from the cows. She was all excited when Grampie took her to see the horse up close, but when the horse got a little to close for comfort she started to cry...

I have been walking nearly every day, or at least 10 days out of every 11 ever since my birthday last month. Two days ago Gary, Harley (dog) and I walked down a country lane to find a flock of wild turkeys grazing in a field. I loved seeing them so close. Today we walked 3 miles together. I hate the thought of winter coming and putting an end to our colorful fun, why can't it stay fall forever?

Back on the home front, we have finally gotten the gas fireplace to finish off the living room renovation. I cannot tell you how much I love this thing. We have a remote control to turn it on or off, and the amount of heat it throws off is amazing. Just the thing to warm those tired toes, which, by the way, are wearing the completed silk birthday socks.